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Welcome to Gems Mobile Money E-Currency Marketplace - Buying and Selling is FREE! -
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Currencies Sellers
Currencies Buyers
Carefully read the buyers tips for safe transactions between you and this seller
Do not pay to seller's account except an ESCROW service is involved.
We strongly advise you use our ESCROW service for safe transactions when buying from this seller.
In case you use our ESCROW service, be sure you have received the requested currency into your wallet before authorizing us to credit seller's account.
In no occasion, for no reason should you release your E-Currency Wallet login details to this seller either for confirmation of transaction or for any other reason, not even when you so much trust him.
Interested in buying this currency? Contact Seller, agree together and INITIATE AN ESCROW.
We wish you a happy deal in your possible transactions
Carefully read the buyers tips for safe transactions between you and this seller
Do not transfer currency to buyer's wallet except an ESCROW service is involved.
We strongly advise you use our ESCROW service for safe transactions when selling to this buyer.
In case you use our ESCROW service, be sure that buyer have initiated and funded ESCROW wallet before sending currency us to buyer's wallet. See a Pending ESCROW here.
In no occasion, for no reason should you release your E-Currency Wallet login details to this buyer either for confirmation of transaction or for any other reason, not even when you so much trust him.
Interested in selling to this buyer? Contact Buyer, agree together and check if an ESCROW request has been made by buyer before transferring currency.
We wish you a happy deal in your possible transactions